Non-retail, charitable activity in general. PSAs are “general public knowledge” like flu information or be a good parent/kid information. Community Calendar is for an upcoming event held for a charity. Most people confuse “non profit” status as an authorization for non payment of advertising. Many companies are established as “non profits” but conduct business, sell items, provide services, etc. (hospitals and senior care facilities for an example). Non profits engaged in business activity purchase advertising on a regular basis.
City government, police, schools, churches, committees, clubs, benefits, organizations, and many others make requests of Little Falls Radio Corporation to help get information to the public. We gladly assist in this effort as a community service. Below is an explanation of our various categories for free advertising requests.
Informs listeners and web viewers of upcoming charitable, non-retail events. Community Calendar is provided at no charge to the charitable organization or the listener. Little Falls Radio announces date, time, place, and purpose on the daily broadcasts and on We make every attempt to post your notices in a timely fashion, but request that you provide Community Calendar information at least two weeks prior to your event.
- Charitable Organization
- Contact Name
- Phone Number and/or e-mail
- Date and Time of Event
- Location of Event
- Type of Event
- Cost of Event
NOTE: We reserve the right to edit all Community Calendar items presented to Little Falls Radio Corporation.
If you would like to include sponsor information or retail/business establishments, please contact Little Falls Radio Corporation and ask to speak to an account representative.
Public Service Announcements (or PSA) are typically pre-produced general information announcements. Examples: wash your hands to avoid spreading disease; don’t bully; drive safe/drive sober, etc. On occasion, LF Radio will produce a PSA in house if copy is provided and relevant for the listening audience of LF Radio. A PSA goes into a rotation file and is usually broadcast for a six week period. These messages are informational and non date specific.
We broadcast cancellations due to weather or emergencies for public groups and organizations and local governments that are widely attended. Widely attended typically means that a cancellation will affect at least 20 people. Notify LF Radio by telephone (320-632-2992) and we will broadcast the information regularly to make sure the public is aware.
If your charitable organization would like to appear on Party Line, please contact Ron Specker (320-632-2992 or to arrange an appointment. Plan to appear on Party Line for approximately 20-30 minutes. We appreciate giving away “tickets” to our listeners. Your charitable organization should record a $250 in kind contribution from Little Falls Radio Corporation as advertising value to your charitable organization.
The public may call Party Line any time from 10am-11am and announce an upcoming event. Party Line is a call-in show and the listeners enjoy hearing from you. The hosts of Party Line do not announce events on Party Line, callers do. Of course this is difficult to monitor and we ask the public to please respect the above policies regarding free advertising. Please call 320-632-2306, Monday-Friday, between 10am-11am to advertise your event free of charge.